Saturday, February 8, 2020

Description case in the healthcare system Essay

Description case in the healthcare system - Essay Example The pains did not stop if anything they were becoming worse by the minute and I had no one coming to check on me as promised. Judging by the wall clock in my white-walled room, it had been over two hours since my admission and not a single soul had come by to check my vitals despite it being at night and hence not many patients were being attended to. The sight of the pure white walls was sickening and I could not let the thought of how depressing they were away. With every pain in my stomach, groin and I guess the whole body; I shuddered and let out a scream full of agony to signify my current state. I could not take it anymore, I had to press that bell and call for help. Twenty minutes after pressing the so-called emergency bell, a tall burly-looking like nurse appeared on my door half drowsy and I could tell by her facial expression that she was not happy to be woken up by a screaming pregnant lady or even a truly dying patient. That was to be proved a few seconds later when she s aid: â€Å"what is it that you want?† I was in too much pain to think about it then (but thinking about it now, that was a rude remark).I explained to her my predicaments and the promise of the doctor being there soon to check on me but had seen no one for over two hours and the pain was getting worse by the minute. She just looked at me with this unbelievable expression in her eyes and just left without uttering a single word. So I decided to wait for that conversation with the mean-looking nurse got me no one.

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